The C.M. Doke Library provides a wide array of learning resources to the students and faculty of the Baptist Theological College of Southern Africa. We are committed to ensuring that students have access to a variety of information in various formats to utilize in their theological studies and preparation for ministry. Through their use of the library resources offered to them, we desire to see students grow in their ability to discover, locate, and make use of information that will be valuable components of their research both academically and personally.
The C.M. Doke Library is named in the honour of Rev. Clement Martyn Doke who was both a great missionary and linguist in Southern Africa. Rev. C.M. Doke was also the first Principal of the College. A large collection of his works and personal library is housed in our facility.
EBSCOhost is an online database platform which gives access to online journals to all registered students. BTC is subscribed to the religion database which provides a wide variety of information, assisting students tremendously when doing assignments. For more information, consult the Library Handbook.
Library Hours
The CM Doke library is open on Monday-Thursday’s from 08:00-16:00 and on Friday’s from 08:00-15:00
Non-Student Membership
Alumni and friends of BTC may apply for a library membership. Memberships cost R1850 per year and are at the discretion of the librarian.