HCTH 01 Bible Read

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Not Enrolled
ZAR 1,650.00
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Welcome to an experience that will stretch you, but will leave you in awe of the majesty of our great God, and hopefully leave you richer – the Bible Read Experience.

Whilst this forms part of the study programme as a ‘course’, one cannot really call it a course as no lectures are given, yet it requires hard work and discipline to comply with its requirements.

All that is needed is reading… and reading… and reading (and listening!)

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and it is the one thing we as ministers (and Christians) cannot (should not) compromise. The Bible is fundamental to all our living, teaching, instruction and equipping. We hold the Bible in high esteem and encourage all our learners to make it central to their life and ministry now and in the future.


In order to enrol for this course, you need to first have completed your application for the Higher Certificate of Theology programme via the BTC Nexsis portal, at

Once you have applied, been accepted, and paid your registration fees, you will be able to enrol in this course on the Nexsis Portal.

1. Login to your Nexsis Portal
2. Click ‘Student Information’
3. Click ‘Enrol in Courses’
4. Click ‘Next’
5. Select ‘Bible Read’

Within 24 business hours we will enrol you in this course and you will have access to the content.


To afford every learner the opportunity to read through the entire Bible at least once.

To give the learner a sound biblical overview knowledge. (To give the learner knowledge and overview of the Bible)

To have a foundational knowledge for future biblical and theological studies.

To encourage a love for the Bible as the Word of God.

To afford the Bible a central position in Practical Theological tasks.


At the end of the course the learner will have:

Read through the entire Bible

• A good overview knowledge of the Bible

Realized the essential need of the Bible in doing biblical and theological studies

Realized the essential need of the Bible in the doing of practical theological tasks

• Developed a love and adherence to the Bible as the Word of God.

You will need a New International Version (NIV) of the English Bible so that you can read along with the videos that are provided as part of the course. Each lesson is approximately 3 to 4 hours long, and we encourage you to do each of these lessons in one sitting.

You will need to complete this course by reading through the Bible and having your readingverified by a person of integrity, the invigilator, who has been selected and approached by the learner.

The learner is to find an invigilator who will verify that they have read the entire Bible  along with the audio-bible videos provided. The learner must employ ‘eye and ear’ reading in this task.

The learner must submit a report stating that he/she has read through the entire Bible, aloud or with the aid of an audio-bible (verified by the invigilator). It must also state what the reading exercise meant to him/her. The report must be one single spaced type-written page (giving your name and course code – HCMS PM 115) along with the prescribed program duly signed.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the facilitator of this course:

Rev Pholoso Diraditsile

[email protected]

Rev Graham Shipster (HOD)
[email protected]
011 886 0421