A Redemptive-Historical Reading of Corporate and Representative Prayer in the Pentateuch: Towards a Covenantal Christopraxis for Baptist Churches
Parmesh Venkatasami
The Influence and Function of the Old Testament in the Interpretation of John’s Apocalypse.
Guy De Swardt
Equipping the Christian church to defend, practice and propagate a Biblical worldview of worship in a pluralistic South Africa
Dr Terrel Manikam
Navigating Multicultural Ministry in the Baptist Union of Southern Africa
Dr Darryl Soal
Towards Active Missions Involvement: An investigation into the prevailing low cross-cultural missions participation among black evangelicals in South Africa
Tshepang Basupi
The Role of Scriptures in Formulating Theological Ethics as a Guide for the Church’s Response to the Issues of Abortion in Modern Malawi
Charles Justin Mapira
Youth Persevering in Christian Faith in the Midst of Post-Religious Persecution Through a Narrativebased Bible Study of the Book of Hebrews
Elriza Nortje
Improving Pastoral Care in an Urban Intercultural Communication Context in South Africa through Spiritual Transformation from a Biblical Babel/Pentecost Perspective
Dr Darryl Soal
Resonance at Rutba: The relevance of New Monasticism for South Africa
Carl Brook